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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Try Them, Try Them, You Will See

     The other day I came across Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham in my classroom library.  I've always liked this book, and held its author in high esteem.  Dr. Seuss really does has some wise insight.  For those of you who have forgotten the premise behind this childhood classic, it is basically about a guy who convinces his friend to try something new and different.  The friend initially refuses the overtures of the persistent Sam I Am, but is ultimately persuaded (much to his chagrin) to try the titular dish. Surprise, surprise!  By the end of the story, he actually has developed a taste for the food he once so vehemently refused to try. That got me to thinking.  How many foods do we pass up just because we don't think we will like them.  Maybe there are some healthy food choices out there we should give a second look.
      Now y'all know I'm not going to eat anything that doesn't taste good.  I've already told you how I've sworn off Greek yogurt forever and finally given over to my addiction to Coke (the kind in the can not the kind that you snort.)  I know that sometimes we feel pressured to eat things that just are just plain nasty in order to feel like we are winning the weight loss game.  But, I think that this kind of thinking actually works both ways.  There are foods out there in diet land that unfortunately have a dubious reputation.  Some of these foods, despite their bad press, are actually worth a try.  Here's a list of my top three things I never thought I'd eat that both taste good and a good for you.

1.  Rice Cakes
     I know what you are thinking.  Rice cakes are the butt of every diet joke in the world.  They have a reputation of being unfilling and totally devoid of taste.  Call me crazy, but I actually think they are pretty yummy.  I think the key here is to make sure they are fresh.  I'm sure that stale rice cakes are somewhat akin to a cardboard box.  I like the lightly salted variety.  I don't think it is too much of a stretch to compare them to popcorn (albeit the air-popped variety and not the butter drenched movie theatre kind--Sorry girls, nothing that greasy-good is ever going to be low cal).  I also like the carmel corn flavor.  These make a sweet treat.  I will tell you that unfortunately rice cakes aren't very substantial.  If you are famished, these probably aren't the best choice.  But, it you are looking for a crunchy snack, they might just be a good bet.  

2.  Whole Grain Bread
       I would hands down rather have whole grain bread than the white variety.  Even if I wasn't on a diet, this is what I would choose.  Whole grain bread gets a bad rap for being dry.  Fresh, well made, whole grain is anything but.  I like the nutty goodness that the whole grain provides.  I like to find bread where I can actually see some of the seeds. Pepperidge Farm makes several excellent varieties.  Also, for a little local flavor, I really like 9 Grain from Great Harvest.  It is a little pricey and a little out of my way, but it is way, way worth it!  One caveat:  Even though whole grain is much healthier than its bleached out cousin, it is still bread.  Bread is not exactly low calorie.  When you compare calories you might even find that some varieties of whole grain bread are actually slightly more caloric than white bread. But eaten sparingly, whole grain bread is a wholesome addition to any diet plan.

3.  Hummus
     For those of you who might not be familiar with this stuff, hummus is not the same as humus.  Hummus is a Mediterranean spread made from Garbanzo beans (chick peas). Humus-- well, that's topsoil.  When I first saw hummus I thought it looked a little like something you might spread on  your garden.  I'm not going to lie--it isn't the most aesthetically pleasing stuff in the world--but I will tell you, looks can be deceiving.  I think it is delicious!  Hummus is made with tabouli, which gives it a satisfyingly spicy kick.  I like to spread it inside a pita pocket and top it with sprouts, spinach, or artisan lettuce.  Then I sprinkle a little feta on top.  Makes a very filling, delicious, and meatless meal.  You can also use it as a dip for raw veggies.  Hummus packs quite a protein punch, so it keeps you satiated.

     When we diet, we often feel like we are making unimaginable sacrifices.  Try reframing that.  Dieting has actually given me the opportunity to try lots of things I never thought I would ever eat.  This quick list just names a few.  Sometimes, like green eggs and ham, foods that might not look so great are actually pretty damn tasty.  In the immortal words of Sam I Am, you just have to convince yourself to  "try them, try them, and you will see."

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