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Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Un-Favorite Things

One of my big dieting epiphanies is that if I don’t like something, I will not eat it.  Oh, out of some peer pressure induced drive for conformity I might try to force myself to eat it for a little bit.  Try to convince myself that whatever tasteless fad food actually tastes great just to fulfill some need to jump on this year’s diet bandwagon.  But in the long term, if something fat free, low calorie, healthy, “filling” or whatever  is hard for me to choke down, I shouldn’t be forcing myself to eat it in the first place.  That seems like a total no brainer, but I think sometimes we get so caught up in the “oh!  this only has 20 calories!” thing that we forget what should be intuitive. 

            Case in point: Greek yogurt.  

I have tried multiple times without success to like this stuff.  I don’t.  I really don’t know why I would even imagine that I could enjoy eating it, since I don’t even like regular yogurt.  But, everyone talks about how healthy it is and how low fat it is.  According to the TV it even turns balding, spare tire carrying, middle aged me into John Stamos.  So----I buy it.  I try to convince myself how delicious it is.   I gag on it.  Then, I get tired of trying and the rest of the containers sit unopened in my refrigerator.  Not only is this uneconomical, it is also defeating.  Here’s the conversation that goes on in my head. “I really should like Greek yogurt.  Everyone likes Greet yogurt.  What’s wrong with me because I don’t like Greek yogurt.  Oh, Hell! I will never be successful if I don’t like Greek yogurt so I should just bite the bullet and go buy myself some Dairy Queen instead ”  I could totally avoid this kind of detrimental self talk if I would just accept the fact that we all have different food preferences and that is okay. I don’t like Greek yogurt, and that is just fine.  There are plenty of other healthy options out there. So, that said I have come to the conclusion that won’t be buying stock in Chobani anytime soon. 

            Another product that I have decided to stop even attempting to palate is Diet Coke. 
I’ve tried.  I really have.  I know the argument that if I would just switch over that eventually I would not even like the real stuff anymore.  I’ve heard it all.  Just not going to happen for me.  I’m a purist.  I want the real deal in the red can.  I want sugar, and not that nasty bite of Nutrasweet.  Since I know this about myself, this is what I can do.  I know that Coca-Cola is extremely  high in calories.  That is no secret.  So, instead of telling myself I can’t have it at all, or telling myself that I have to drink that imposter in the silver can, I tell myself that I have to limit my intake.  Instead of buying the 250 calorie bottles, I can be satisfied with the 100 calorie size.  Instead of drinking four a day (Total confession time here—I was at one point downing that or more) I can limit myself to one.  This approach is so much more sensible for me because like any true addict, I crave it all the more when I tell myself that it is off limits. 
            The previous examples are my own personal no-goes. That said, I’m not condemning anyone for indulging in either Greek yogurt or Diet Coke. If you like that slimy, nasty, tangy stuff, bully for you!  I know some people that would cut off their right arm for the last diet soda in the fridge.  What I am saying is do what works for you and that is what will make you the most successful and satisfied.  

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