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Tuesday, January 15, 2013


      Let's get real ladies.  We can talk all day about how concerned we are about our heart health, or how much we need to keep our blood sugar in check.  However, most of us, if we dig really deep, want to lose weight so we can feel a little closer to Gisele Bundchen.  I hate to burst your bubble ladies, but how many of us are EVER going to look like Gisele?  I mean even unairbrushed, Gisele doesn't look like Gisele.  Just ain't gonna happen. 
     So, now that we have established that we aren't crossing over into supermodel territory any time soon, maybe it is time to reassess our weight loss priorities.  And, in the mean time, maybe, just maybe we can increase our likelihood of dropping a couple of dress sizes in the process. 
     Losing the battle of the buldge really SHOULD be about our health.  Obesity increases our likelihood of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other scary health prognoses.  People who are significantly overweight have a lower life expectancy than those with a healthy body weight.    Most of us know these things.  However BELIEVING that they will actually happen to US is quite another thing altogether. 
     Since we know that there seems to be disconnect between admitting that our own obesity will actually cause us to be unhealthy, it might be helpful to start thinking about other ways to reframe our weightloss goals.  I've compliled a list of things that I enjoy being able to do since I have lost weight, and some things I look forward to being able to do when I lose even more.  These are things I think about when I'm tempted to overeat. 

1.  Dropping just twenty pounds made it MUCH easier to shave my legs.  This is something that no man can appreciate, but ladies, I know that you understand the importance of this task. 

2.  Exercise is crucial to weight loss.  The more weight you lose, the easier that it will be to exercise.  Its a win-win.  I started out struggling to even walk a mile.  I've now completed several 5Ks and even the Bluegrass 10 Thousand.  Not only do I feel better physically, but this has been a huge self esteem boost for me.

3.  No one wants to have to ask for a seat belt extender on an airplane.  Total transparency here--I've been there.  I don't ever intend to get there again.  There isn't much that could be more humiliating than that. 

4.  Speaking of humiliation.  I've skipped out on a couple of dance recitals because I was deathly afraid that I would not fit into the auditorium seats.  I actually got to enjoy the Nutcracker this year without having a major anxiety attack over whether my butt would be too big. 

5.  There is a much bigger clothing selection in the regular misses department.  I've missed that. Being regulated to the fat chicks section sucks.   I'm still not there in pants sizes yet, but I can buy my tops and dresses in the regular department.  That is an amazing feeling! 

6.  My feet don't hurt!  Being as overweight as I was caused me to develop major plantar fasciitis.  If you haven't had that before, let me just tell you--it hurts like hell. 

     The key to staying motivated is finding out what motivates you.  How can you reframe your weight loss?  What benefits besides those that stare back at you from the mirror can you find that will encourage you?  Weight loss is a personal journey.  You have to find what works for you. 

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